Flight SIA326

  • Submitted By: Frederic Gerard
  • Departure Airport: Singapore Changi International Airport (HUB Singapore) (WSSS)
  • Arrival Airport: Frankfurt am Main International Airport (HUB Lufthansa) (EDDF)
  • Aircraft: B777-300ER (B77W)
  • Flight Time: 12.07
  • Date Submitted: 07/23/2018
  • Route: AROS3B AROSO Y339 GEMAS B466 SUKAT A457 VPG W525 VPL B579 PUT L515 OBMOG M770 KAKID M875 DOMET/N0501F340 M875 JHANG A466 DI J145 REGET N644 LEMOD/K0919F340 A909 BODBA/K0917F360 A909 KEKAL A87 AZABI R122 UP A102 NALEM L32 VALPA A83 PEKIT L980 DORER/K0883F380 L980 VAMPU N869 TOMTI/N0480F380 N869 KONAR T49 RAPET T843 DEMAB T173 KERAX KERA1M
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(349 load / $ 2, 300.00 per unit
$ 802, 700.00
Fuel Cost:
(75395.2 fuel used @ 1 / unit)
$ 75, 395.20

Additional Log Information:

View Log

smartCARS version, 2018/7/23 UTC
[22:01:32] Preflight started, flying offline
[22:01:33] Flying Boeing 777-300ER Singapore Airlines
[22:02:28] Sim paused
[22:02:54] Sim unpaused
[22:04:00] Pushing back with 236242 lb of fuel
[22:04:22] Engine 1 is on
[22:04:22] Engine 1 is off
[22:04:22] Engine 1 is on
[22:04:47] Engine 2 is on
[22:04:47] Engine 2 is off
[22:04:47] Engine 2 is on
[22:05:32] Flaps set to position 3
[22:06:01] Taxiing to runway
[22:06:21] Taking off
[22:06:22] Rejected takeoff conditions met, returning to taxiing phase
[22:08:25] Taking off
[22:08:55] Climbing, pitch: 8, roll: level, 192 kts
[22:08:59] Gear lever raised at 105 ft at 202 kts
[22:09:53] Flaps set to position 0 at 3627 ft at 196 kts
[23:18:14] Cruising at 38000ft, pitch: 5, 487 kts
[09:31:35] Sim paused
[12:03:08] Sim unpaused
[12:04:27] Descending
[12:25:04] Approaching
[12:27:01] Flaps set to position 3 at 6814 ft at 212 kts
[12:28:02] Flaps set to position 4 at 5478 ft at 180 kts
[12:29:26] Go around conditions met
[12:29:39] Flaps set to position 3 at 4528 ft at 150 kts
[12:29:46] Flaps set to position 4 at 4888 ft at 152 kts
[12:29:53] Standard approach conditions met
[12:30:25] Flaps set to position 5 at 3982 ft at 176 kts
[12:32:27] Flaps set to position 6 at 3162 ft at 154 kts
[12:32:41] Final approach, 145 kts
[12:33:27] Gear lever lowered at 2277 ft at 154 kts
[12:36:19] Touched down at -1034 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 0, roll: 1 degrees left, 145 kts
[12:36:23] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -110 fpm
[12:36:41] Landed in 3687 ft, fuel: 72108 lb, weight: 544131 lb
[12:36:41] Taxiing to gate
[12:37:31] Flaps set to position 1
[12:37:35] Flaps set to position 0
[12:42:59] The flight may now be ended
[12:42:59] Arrived, flight duration: 12:07
[12:43:15] Engine 1 is off
[12:43:15] Engine 2 is off

Route Map