Flight STAT11L08

  • Submitted By: Ronald De Ruijter
  • Departure Airport: Leonardo Da Vinci (Fiumicino) International Airport (LIRF)
  • Arrival Airport: Federico Fellini International Airport (LIPR)
  • Aircraft: A320-200 (A320)
  • Flight Time: 0.39
  • Date Submitted: 12/08/2020
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(164 load / $ 350.00 per unit
$ 57, 400.00
Fuel Cost:
(1512.28 fuel used @ 1 / unit)
$ 1, 512.28

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[08:44] Starting flight recording.
[08:44] This is flight STAT11L08 from LIRF to LIPR.
[08:44] Block time 00:00
[08:44] Assigned aircraft model: Airbus A320
[08:44] Assigned aircraft registration: A320
[08:44] Assigned route:
[08:44] Actual aircraft: Airbus A320-232 (IAE V2527-A5)
[08:44] Fuel loaded: 10001 lbs
[08:44] At the gate. Boarding.
[08:48] Taxiing to runway.
[08:48] Takeoff.
[08:48] Taking off at 131 kts.
[09:00] Top of climb reached at altitude 27352 ft.
[09:00] Cruising at ground speed 405 kts.
[09:05] Top of descent reached at altitude 27334 ft.
[09:05] Starting descent at -520 fpm.
[09:07] End of descent. Cruising at 27129 ft, ground speed 405 kts.
[09:07] Top of descent reached at altitude 27109 ft.
[09:07] Starting descent at -736 fpm.
[09:21] End of descent. Cruising at 3909 ft, ground speed 211 kts.
[09:21] Top of descent reached at altitude 3847 ft.
[09:21] Starting descent at -1073 fpm.
[09:24] End of descent. Cruising at 1959 ft, ground speed 126 kts.
[09:24] Top of descent reached at altitude 1801 ft.
[09:24] Starting descent at -1587 fpm.
[09:26] Touchdown.
[09:26] Landed. Taxiing to gate.
[09:27] Engines shutdown.
[09:27] Disembarking.
[09:27] Flight time: 0:39
[09:27] Landing rate: -1105 fpm
[09:27] Fuel consumption: 3334 lbs
[09:27] Flight recording stopped.

Route Map