Flight STAT16L02
Additional Log Information:
[11:47] Starting flight recording.
[11:47] This is flight STAT16L02 from FXMM to FQMA.
[11:47] Block time 00:00
[11:47] Assigned aircraft model: Airbus A319
[11:47] Assigned aircraft registration: A319
[11:47] Actual aircraft: Boeing 737-300
[11:47] Fuel loaded: 23105 lbs
[11:54] Climbing at 9340 ft.
[12:21] Top of climb reached at altitude 37142 ft.
[12:21] Cruising at ground speed 454 kts.
[12:31] Top of descent reached at altitude 36912 ft.
[12:31] Starting descent at -1558 fpm.
[13:01] End of descent. Cruising at 2436 ft, ground speed 149 kts.
[13:01] Starting climb at 1074 fpm.
[13:02] Top of climb reached at altitude 2509 ft.
[13:02] Cruising at ground speed 152 kts.
[13:02] Top of descent reached at altitude 2266 ft.
[13:02] Starting descent at -1899 fpm.
[13:05] Engines shutdown.
[13:05] Disembarking.
[13:05] Flight time: 1:10
[13:05] Landing rate: 0 fpm
[13:05] Fuel consumption: 6254 lbs
[13:05] Flight recording stopped.
[11:47] This is flight STAT16L02 from FXMM to FQMA.
[11:47] Block time 00:00
[11:47] Assigned aircraft model: Airbus A319
[11:47] Assigned aircraft registration: A319
[11:47] Actual aircraft: Boeing 737-300
[11:47] Fuel loaded: 23105 lbs
[11:54] Climbing at 9340 ft.
[12:21] Top of climb reached at altitude 37142 ft.
[12:21] Cruising at ground speed 454 kts.
[12:31] Top of descent reached at altitude 36912 ft.
[12:31] Starting descent at -1558 fpm.
[13:01] End of descent. Cruising at 2436 ft, ground speed 149 kts.
[13:01] Starting climb at 1074 fpm.
[13:02] Top of climb reached at altitude 2509 ft.
[13:02] Cruising at ground speed 152 kts.
[13:02] Top of descent reached at altitude 2266 ft.
[13:02] Starting descent at -1899 fpm.
[13:05] Engines shutdown.
[13:05] Disembarking.
[13:05] Flight time: 1:10
[13:05] Landing rate: 0 fpm
[13:05] Fuel consumption: 6254 lbs
[13:05] Flight recording stopped.