Flight STAT13L05

  • Submitted By: Ronald De Ruijter
  • Departure Airport: Entebbe International Airport (HUEN)
  • Arrival Airport: Kigali International Airport (HRYR)
  • Aircraft: B737-800 (B738)
  • Flight Time: 0.54
  • Date Submitted: 05/08/2020
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(184 load / $ 350.00 per unit
$ 64, 400.00
Fuel Cost:
(4158.53 fuel used @ 1 / unit)
$ 4, 158.53

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[08:40] Starting flight recording.
[08:40] This is flight STAT13L05 from HUEN to HRYR.
[08:40] Block time 00:00
[08:40] Assigned aircraft model: Boeing 737-800
[08:40] Assigned aircraft registration: B738
[08:40] Actual aircraft: Boeing 737-800YV
[08:40] Fuel loaded: 12157 lbs
[08:53] Takeoff.
[08:53] Taking off at 16 kts.
[08:53] Top of climb reached at altitude 3851 ft.
[08:53] Starting descend.
[08:54] Touchdown.
[08:54] Landed. Taxiing to gate.
[08:54] Takeoff.
[08:54] Taking off at 494 kts.
[08:54] Top of climb reached at altitude 3778 ft.
[08:54] Starting descend.
[08:54] Touchdown.
[08:54] Landed. Taxiing to gate.
[08:56] Takeoff.
[08:57] Taking off at 160 kts.
[08:57] Top of climb reached at altitude 3819 ft.
[08:57] Starting descend.
[08:57] End of descent. Cruising at 3971 ft, ground speed 161 kts.
[08:57] Starting climb at 1182 fpm.
[09:10] Top of climb reached at altitude 26035 ft.
[09:10] Cruising at ground speed 441 kts.
[09:15] Starting climb at 495 fpm.
[09:16] Top of climb reached at altitude 26290 ft.
[09:16] Cruising at ground speed 478 kts.
[09:20] Top of descent reached at altitude 26152 ft.
[09:20] Starting descent at -2544 fpm.
[09:28] End of descent. Cruising at 11245 ft, ground speed 299 kts.
[09:30] Top of descent reached at altitude 11080 ft.
[09:30] Starting descent at -1856 fpm.
[09:36] Touchdown.
[09:36] Landed. Taxiing to gate.
[09:37] Engines shutdown.
[09:37] Disembarking.
[09:37] Flight time: 0:54
[09:37] Landing rate: -1050 fpm
[09:37] Fuel consumption: 9168 lbs
[09:37] Flight recording stopped.

Route Map